When will the next bike camp be held?

The next camp will be held next year, Spring or Summer, 2025. Thanks for a great 2024!!

What does my Rider need for Camp?


  properly fitting bike helmet

  arrive wearing comfortable clothes in which to be active

o   sneakers or other closed-toe shoes are required

  water bottle or drink for short breaks 

  the rider’s personal bicycle is to be dropped off at Camp as early as possible, but no later than day #4 (Thursday), where it will remain the remainder of the week for use on Thursday and/or Friday.



Is there an Orientation Meeting?


There will not be an in-person Orientation Meeting in 2024. 



Should I purchase a bike before Camp?


Yes, if you do not already have an appropriate bike for your rider.  You may already have an appropriate bike at home for your rider, or you may need to purchase a new two-wheel bike.  Either way, the iCan Bike staff can help guide you through this process during the camp week.


Although we provide all adapted bikes the riders will be riding at camp, all riders will need their own personal bike available at camp and thereafter.  The earlier the bikes are brought in the more time you will have to make adjustments, if necessary. 


Once your rider’s bike is reviewed and deemed a good fit by the iCan Bike Bike Tech, it will be locked up and stored at camp for the remainder of the week.  We ask that riders personal bikes are brought into camp as early as possible, so the Bike Tech can assess its’ fit for the rider, but no later than Thursday (Day #4).  


Our goal is to transition riders from our bicycles to their own personal bicycle on Thursday or Friday.  Their personal bikes will look and feel different than what they have been riding at camp so this may be a difficult transition.  We want to make this transition, at camp, while you and your rider have the support and familiarity of our staff and volunteers.


Finally, having an appropriate bike for your rider to ride after camp is imperative to their success and continued improvement following camp. We have found certain characteristics and types of bikes that provide the best opportunity of success for our new riders.



Do you have any helpful resources about purchasing an appropriate bike?


Please look at the Bike Info page and watch the video, "Selecting the Most Suitable Bike for Learning". Watching this video is a must for all parents prior to purchasing their rider’s bicycle.



Where should I purchase a bike?


We recommend purchasing bikes from reputable bike shops. We have partnered up with a Bike Shop - Pacific Beach Bike Shop - that knows our needs and has bikes in stock! Please see here for more information. 

Bike shops offer the best value for many reasons.  The bikes at bike shops will be of higher quality than those from a general retail store and will often last longer.  Also, staff at bike shops are knowledgeable about bikes and can provide excellent service when selecting and servicing a bike.  They are also helpful after the sale in case any problems arise or if you need any adjustments made to the bike.


Most retail stores tend to stock lower quality bikes, associates have little to no knowledge about the bike, offer no maintenance during or after sale and tend to sell bikes that result in more mechanical or other issues arising after the sale.


A bike shop bike may be more expensive initially but, by the time you make additional repairs and/or modifications to a lower quality bike, purchased from somewhere other than a bike shop, you may end up paying more for an inferior bike.  Wherever you purchase a bike make sure you understand the return policy. 



Do you have a specific bike shop you recommend?


We recommend purchasing bikes from reputable bike shops. We have partnered up with a Bike Shop - Pacific Beach Bike Shop - that knows our needs and has bikes in stock! Please see here for more information. 


How Can Parents/Guardians Help During the Week?


We do require that you stay on-site during the 75-minute session each day. This is for emergency purposes, personal care for your rider, and so you don’t miss their special achievements and success.  Dropping off your rider at camp without a parent/guardian remaining present is not permitted.


Some riders may still need the assistance of someone running alongside their bike at the end of the week.  If this is the case with your rider, we ask you to have a family spotter present on the last day of bike camp (Friday) to learn how to properly spot your rider.  Make sure this person wears shoes for running and is dressed in comfortable clothes. 


We want everyone to feel comfortable and prepared to work with their rider after camp so progress is continued at home.  On the last day, the Shine staff will meet with you individually to discuss your rider’s skill level and a plan for post camp riding and spotting.


How much does camp cost, and when do I need to pay?

Total camp tuition for participants is $380 for 2024. You will receive a link via email to an online payment site through our co-host, iCanShine. To hold your session a minimum deposit of $150 will be required. 

Full payment of the remaining balance is due by April 20th. After April 20th we will not be able to hold any slots with tuition unpaid or special arrangements not made. We will have a waiting list and will begin to accommodate those individuals if slots become available on April 21st.

Is my Registration Fee Refundable?


1.    A full refund will be honored for cancellations through April 27th.  

2.    A $50 Cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations between April 28th and May 10th.   

3.    Refunds will not be issued to cancellations after May 11th. A refund request for a cancellation due to an emergency will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

All cancellation/refund requests should be submitted via email to the Bike Camp Director, Kim Sullivan, at bikecampsd@gmail.com